- 2014.3.07 Along with the profile of Dr. Joann N. Bodurtha, we have posted her plenary session abstract.
- 2014.2.25 Along with the profile of Dr. Luc Deliens, we have posted his plenary session abstract.
- 2014.2.25 Along with the profile of Dr. Thomas Smith, we have posted his symposium abstract.
- 2014.2.24 Along with the profile of Dr. Augusto Caraceni, we have posted his symposium abstract.
- 2014.2.24 As of now, the number of registered participants is nearing capacity.
We will close the call for participants when the limit is reached, so if you are hoping to attend, please register here as soon as possible.
- 2014.2.18 We have begun posting the profiles and plenary session abstracts of Dr. Stein Kaasa, Dr. Thomas Smith and Dr. Takeshi Terui.
- 2014.2.17 We have begun posting the profiles and luncheon seminar abstracts of Dr. Adam Matthew Brufsky and Dr. Hans G. Kress.
- 2014.2.13 Along with the profile of Dr. Kazuhiko Koike, we have posted his plenary session abstract.
- 2014.2.12 We have begun posting the profiles and plenary session abstracts of Dr. Tatsuya Morita and Dr. Dean Schuyler.
- 2014.2.10 We are changing the deadline for payment of the participation fee to Wednesday, April 30, 2014. For details, please click here.
- 2014.2.7 We have begun posting the profiles and symposium abstracts of Dr. Gavril Pasternak, Dr. Mellar Davis, and Dr. Russell Portenoy.
- 2014.2.7 We have begun posting the profiles and plenary session abstracts of Prof. David Currow, Dr. Stein Kaasa, Dr. William Breitbart, Dr. Friedrich Stiefel, and Dr. R. Sean Morrison.
- 2013.12.06 Along with the profile of workshop chairman Dr. William Breitbart, we have begun posting workshop abstracts.
- 2013.11.07 As of November 6th, the number of participants registered has exceeded 400. In addition to those from Japan, we have received applications for the registration of international participants from the following 9 countries: the United States, Singapore, India, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Korea, Rwanda, and the Czech Republic.
- 2013.9.18 Instructions for paying the participation fee have been posted to the website.
- 2013.9.17 The number of registered participants now exceeds 200, from a broad range of professions, including physicians, nurses and pharmacists. Currently, we have participants registering from various countries, such as Singapore, India, Australia, and South Korea.
- 2013.9.17 Certificates of attendance and the abstract collection are scheduled to be sent out in April, 2014. (Your understanding is requested in the event that the actual date is a little before or after this.)
- 2013.9.2 The title for the luncheon seminar has been decided.
- 2013.8.20 The workshop is now fully booked and registration has been closed. You may still register for other programs.
- 2013.8.13 The workshop will soon be full. If you would like to join, please
register as soon as possible.
- 2013.7.23 Website has been redesigned.