
Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer Conference Organizer:Higashi Sapporo Hospital

  • Greeting
  • Board of Directors

    • Organization Committee
    • Senior Advisory Committee
  • Sapporo Conference2017

    • Greeting from Chair and Co-Chair
    • General Information
    • Program
    • To Chairs, Presenter, Moderator
    • Instruction for Participants
    • 一般演題募集要項
    • Access
    • Accommodation
  • Archives

    • 2014
    • 2017
    • 2023
  • Inquiry
  • Links

Privacy Policy

1.Declaration of Personal Information Protection
We, Higashi Sapporo Hospital (hereafter ‘we’), have established our rules for handling the personal information of participants in the ‘Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer 2014’ based on the provision of safe, secure, and reliable services, and we will practice proper protection of the personal information.
2. Policy for Personal Information Protection
1) We will comply with Japan's Personal Information Protection Law and related laws pertaining to the privacy of communications.

2) We will properly supervise all the personal information we handle.

3) All our employees will protect the various forms of personal information placed in their care, beginning with the participants’ own personal information, and respond to the trust placed in them.

4) We will take, and continually improve, necessary and proper safety control measures in order to block unauthorized access to any personal information and to prevent its loss, damage, manipulation and leakage.
3. Use of Personal Information
1) Specification of utilization purposes
We will use the collected personal information, such as, but not limited to, names, addresses, and telephone numbers, for the following purposes:
・To provide services which are related to the ‘Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer 2014’
•To identify participants
•To charge fees
•To handle inquiries
•To notify of changes, abeyance, or abrogation of the services which are related to the ‘Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer 2014’
•To announce other services or various events which we provide

2) Disclosure of personal information
If a participant requests his/her own personal information, we will comply with the request upon identity verification. Furthermore, we will respond promptly to requests for making corrections to personal information.

3) Usage and provision of personal information
We will collect participants’ personal information to the extent necessary to provide our services, and we will use and provide such information only for the purposes for which it was collected.

4) Provision to third parties
We will use personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and supervise it properly. We will not disclose or provide such information to third parties unless we notify the individual whose personal information is to be provided, explain the utilization purpose, and receive agreement. However, this shall not apply, and we will provide personal information for third parties, in the following cases:
•In the event that compulsory measures are carried out based on Article 218 or others of the Code of Criminal Procedure (conduct of search, seizure or inspection under a warrant).
•In the event that we determine it necessary to provide such information in order to protect life, body, or property.
4. Language
This Privacy Policy is made available in both Japanese and English, but the Japanese version is the original and shall prevail. The English version is for reference only and in the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Japanese version shall take precedence.
5. Contact for Personal Information
If you have any questions about how we handle personal information held by us, please use the contact information below:

Higashi Sapporo Hospital (Personal Information Contact)
7-35, Higashi Sapporo 3-3, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 003-8585
Phone: +81-11-812-2311
Fax: +81-11-823-9552
Email: office@sapporoconference.com