
Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer Conference Organizer:Higashi Sapporo Hospital

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Regarding the 2nd Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer, (SCPSC)

Dear Colleagues,

At this time, we considered holding the 2nd SCPSC on two days, Friday June 16, and Saturday June 17, 2017.
In September 2015, the organizing committee of the SCPSC discussed the management policy from now and plans for the 2nd SCPSC. The principle of SCPSC is to contribute to fundamental and clinical research, based on palliative oncology and psycho-oncology. A summary of the meeting minutes can be viewed under the “Organization Committee” menu tab of this website. Prof. Hideki Onishi of Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Psycho-Oncology Department, was appointed as chairman, and Prof. Takao Takahashi of Department of Palliative Medicine of the Center as co-chairman.
While the individual specialties of the chairman and the co-chairman can be seen, other committee members have become actively involved in program formation. An outline of the program will be completed by the end of this year, we appreciate your patience.

September 17th, 2015

Kunihiko Ishitani
President, Higashi Sapporo Hospital

Message from the president of Higashi Sapporo Hospital

Dear friends and colleagues

I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to the many people who contributed to the 2014 Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer.
With your support, the Sapporo Conference was a great success, attracting 700 participants from 22 countries. Since then, we have continued to receive requests to hold a second Sapporo Conference from colleagues around the globe. Upon consultation with my dear friend Dr. Frank Brescia as well as Dr. Russell K Portenoy and Dr. William Breitbart, who were instrumental to the first Sapporo Conference, they recommended forming a public organizing committee to discuss the next conference. Over the past half year, we have selected young, active members from Japan’s medical oncologists, palliative care specialists, and psycho-oncologists, and with the approval of the following people, the organizing committee is underway.

Based on what has been agreed so far, I expect that, among other matters: ① The Sapporo Conference Philosophy: "As a global conference, we shall strive to contribute to the advancement of palliative cancer care centered on Japan and Asia. We shall build upon foundations in palliative oncology and psycho-oncology, with a focus on encouraging research in these fields." ② the conference will be held in Sapporo every two years; ③ Higashi Sapporo Hospital shall be the secretariat; ④ the organizing committee shall operate the conference and organize the program; ⑤ the official language for the conference shall be English (for the time being, with Japanese interpretation provided); ⑥ eventually, a public call for general presentations will be held. On September 4th, during the first meeting of the organizing committee, we plan to discuss specifics of the conference outline. I hope that we will be able to complete the program organization within the year for your perusal.

Many colleagues from throughout Asia attended the first Sapporo Conference. It is our greatest hope that the Sapporo Conference will become firmly established as a long-lasting international conference on palliative and supportive care in cancer. Please accept ourtrue thanks for the tremendous support and encouragement from our colleagues around the world.

August 3rd, 2015

Yours sincerely,
Kunihiko Ishitani
President, Higashi Sapporo Hospital